Compressor Microbenchmark: TokuDB

Symas Corp., February 2015


Most of the benchmark results showed very little variation in throughput or data compression effectiveness across all of the compression libraries. One which showed a significant difference was the random overwrite test:

These charts show the final stats at the end of the run, after all compactions completed. The RSS shows the maximum size of the process for a given run. The times are the total User and System CPU time, and the total Wall Clock time to run all of the test operations for a given compressor.

Apparently the settings we chose for our LZMA invocation are too resource-intensive, it uses a lot of CPU and memory for not very great space savings. The native LZMA support in TokuDB is much more frugal while still delivering about the same degree of compression.


The files used to perform these tests are all available for download.

The command script: Raw output: out.toku.txt. OpenOffice spreadsheet TokuDB.ods.